- Yoga - So I sat on my floor, yoga position, ready to "develop self-focus, control and body awareness." I lasted about 17 1/2 seconds before my ADD kicked in when I heard something funny on T.V. So I decided to try again, with the T.V. off this time. I got into position and realized that my legs just did not work quite like the lady in the picture, so I decided to give up. Yoga sucked, I decided it just isn't for everyone, much like exercise and other healthy life choices. Just kidding, everyone should exercise - yoga is just dumb.
- How to Lose Weight in Seven Easy Steps - The first step was confidence - I had that one completely under control. I just said loudly to myself, "I'M GONNA DO THIS!" Confidence - check. Step two, goal-setting. They write that setting a realistic goal is very important, something very achievable is best since you won't become discouraged. So I did just that, I set a realistic goal - lose one pound in the next week. This is very reasonable I think. Step three, limiting calorie intake. How much should I limit? So I decided removing one cookie and one beer a day would reduce my calories by almost 200. Perfect. Step four, remove junk food. I skipped this step - just not plausible. The next step was planning my meals - this is easy enough right? There is never an issue with scheduling as a College student. So i set up a schedule - Breakfast - most likely skip it, no time. Lunch - sometime between 11am and 4pm depending on classes and whether or not I skipped breakfast. Dinner - sometime between 5pm and 9pm depending on lunch. Second dinner - between 10pm and 3am, depending on whether or not Panda is having there late-night buffet and whether or not I have been drinking. The next step was reducing my portions, I decided this was also not possible - I decided to give up, this weight loss thing sucked too.
- Sauna Health Benefits - So I decided to try this sauna thing, I turned my bathroom into a sauna using the shower. This may seem implausible, but can someone please tell me where to find an actual sauna? They aren't exactly common. This seemed to be going well as I sat on a chair in my bathroom with steam swirling around me. However, three problems arose - the smoke alarms were set off outside, I got really hot, and our magazines got really soggy and wrinkly. My room mates weren't very happy about my sauna idea, so I decided to write this one off as a fail as well.
also watch this, it's funny... kind of how my stomach acted when I attempted smaller portions... it wasn't very willing to accept it.
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