My name is John and I am a Senior at the University of Maryland, I have other interests but I can imagine that you are not much interested in that.
Instead, a lot of you might ask, why should I listen to your
tips? What credibility do you have as an advice columnist? None. What I do have though, is
something no other advice columnist has (maybe a stretch, but go with it) - the opposite of credibility. I am the most unorganized, non punctual, messy train wreck of person. I have never been able to make it through a semester without forgetting something, losing something important or being late for something important. What I do know however, is why I do all of this. I know the reasons for my disaster of a lifestyle and through my examples of failure, I can help you, the reader, because I know what doesn't work... but at the same time - I am still here right? I am still enrolled in college and I still have a great time. I know the ways of the college world and I am here to make your life easier, better and wayyyyyy more fun. Just trust me.