
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

(Imitation Post) 2+2 = 5? WTF America?!?

2 + 2 = 5? WTF America?!?

Recently I was watching Colbert and he presented a documentary titled “Waiting for Superman” – a movie about America’s failure in schooling. Basically this movie presents stats that are so sad and pathetic that it is hard to disagree with anything the man has to say. We are nowhere near the top in any of the schooling categories. The movie clip Colbert presented us with opens with a man on a motorcycle attempting to jump over a building and instead, hitting it face first – a metaphorical depiction of our students – confident, brave, but just plain stupid.

It was presented that we did however take first in one of the categorical statistics – confidence. When asked “if they believed they received good grades in math,” American students took first place – even though in reality we were far from perfect in that category. Then I began to think about our future… If most of our students are as dumb and falsely confident as these statistics show – we are in trouble. What happens when everyone from the generation ahead of us retires, or drives their car off of a cliff because we have run out of social security, who takes over these jobs? I think the Japanese and the Chinese are probably a good shoe in, seeing as they are killing us in every schooling category (minus confidence of course – that may have something to do with their very humble culture (something we are also very lacking in this generation)).

I mean numbers really don’t lie (granted they are real and gathered in a variance removing, high sample sized manner). It is okay though right, we are America – the country of bailouts and powerful opportunity. I think we also forget, this is the country that will outsource your job faster than it takes another American student to not go to school for another day in a row. (If you missed it, it doesn’t take any time at all to not go to school). The stat is something like every ten seconds or less another American student drops out of school. Really? High school isn’t hard… it really isn’t. But one thing we really have to look at is, if no one really told me that I had to go to class when I was say… sixteen – I’m driving, I just discovered alcohol, sex, well fun right? There is really nothing inviting about high school if we compare it to those exciting ideas. We have to realize that it isn’t these students are just stupid and are dropping out because of that, they are in a very crucial point of their life and it is vastly important to really grab their attention and force feed them the importance of school and life and their futures.

Parents, teachers, friends – these people need to really step up and save these kids. We might think “who cares if someone other kid drops out.” Well would you rather ship your car to Mexico to have your transmission fixed because we don’t have enough educated mechanics here in the United States because instead they are all just high sitting on a couch with their other drop out friends watching Aqua Teen Hunger Force? Hell no… we need the American teens to be educated and graduate so that our work forces stay localized in the United States, without their education there is truly nothing stopping outsourcing if we don’t even have enough educated workers to fill the position… If you don’t agree with me, at least think about it, go see the movie, think about what he has to say – but really understand, something has to be done because our schools and our students suck. (Imitation)

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