
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Buy an iPhone... It Just Makes Sense

On the road, it's raining, these mapquest directions seem to be taking you farther from anywhere near where you want to be. You whip out your phone, you remember them mentioning a GPS application at Best Buy where you purchased the phone. Download the GPS app. and boot her up - "smart phone with internet connection required" the screen mockingly reads. What?!? You mean my classicly free flip phone can't run this application? How the hell am I ever going to get home?! As much as it seems to be a horrible story, it only gets worse, he hasn't asked the much more pressing question (seeing as it is a Saturday night). How am I going to update my fantasy roster?? Well you are out of luck there Roger, your phone doesn't support the fantasy football application either... Lost and doomed to lose the big game tomorrow - you should have bought that iPhone man.

Yeah this story sounds depressing for some, but there are some who don't really worry with fantasy football. On a more serious note, in this day and age there are people who still carry flip phones. I really feel sorry for them, because I don't think I could function on a daily basis without a smart phone - it is really a crutch for my life. Rather than hear my ramble about how happy my iPhone makes me, I figured I would review the most important applications that simply make my life hundreds of times easier.

Maps - I guess you all can probably realize - I am good at getting lost. I never print out directions and if I do, I always forget to bring them. I had a GPS for a while, but I always forgot to update it and after two years of that it became pretty pointless - It probably actually got me more lost. The Maps application on the iPhone has saved me probably close to one hundred percent of the time in which I was required to journey somewhere I had no previous knowledge of. It is always updating, it is based on google maps (you can always trust google) and it is easy to use and is always working.

Flash Light - How many times are you looking for something in your car or outside on the ground and you don't have a flash light (because you are like me and are never prepared)? What if your phone could turn the camera flash into a flash light and save your life? Well now it can. And this isn't the only simple application like this, there are others like red laser for example that can find the cheapest price for a UPC in your area.

Youtube/Internet - You can just look up any video, any question, anything and have the answer instantly. No phoning a friend, no finding the library - just google it.

A lot of people may say "iPhones are expensive, the data plans are expensive!" Okay, I see the point - they are expensive. I am partial to the iPhone, but there are plenty of other smart phone options that are much more reasonably priced. Sprint offers many phones that can cost 100$ or less and a data plan that is 69.99$ a month. That is basically what people paid for regular basic plans less than two years ago. That may seem expensive... but when it really comes down to it, you are paying for a GPS, a mini netbook, a gameboy, an electric day planner an alarm clock and more - it pays for itself in convenience. So next time you have your flip phone and you need to buy movie tickets online, find your way back home or google how to kill Freddy Kruger - just remember there are plenty of reasonable smart phones available, so before Freddy kills you in your sleep, just get one - it just makes sense.

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